Owner-Operator Business Analysis

OOBT provides you with objective financial reporting tools and guidance to help you manage your business armed with facts and industry standards. In a business full of the unexpected, it’s critical to be armed with tools that help you understand and measure those things that you can control.

It’s a fine line between success and failure as an Owner-Operator. Driving a truck and running a business are two completely different necessities for being a successful Owner-Operator. Being good at one doesn’t automatically qualify anyone to be good at the other. To be a successful Owner-Operator, however, you need to be good at both—and that begins with owner-operator business analysis.

“OOBT is here to provide Key Performance Statistics to make success a reality for you.”

Company Driver vs. Owner-Operator Analysis

Making the jump from a company driver to an owner-operator is a huge decision, with potentially huge ramifications. Going from being a driver to a business owner requires a lot of research, soul searching and planning. Our analysis will help provide a clear perspective of what to expect based upon facts and industry standards. A few things we’ll help you consider:

  • Earnings Analysis – OOBT will analyze your recent earnings as a company driver and compare them to projected earnings as an owner-operator. The results are often surprising.
  • Benefits Analysis – In addition to earnings, we’ll help you measure and compare the entire “package” of your current situation against the reality of being an owner-operator.

If you are looking at becoming an owner-operator, don’t take the plunge without first calling OOBT to help you assess the potential risks and rewards. Please visit our Company Driver vs. Owner-Operator Analysis section for more details.

Stay or Leave Analysis

Changing carriers is a complicated and costly process. Let OOBT help you take an objective look at the pros & cons of making a potential move with the information the matters the most for your success:

  • Needs Analysis: We’ll help you consider a potential change based on your needs from both a financial and personal perspective.
  • Cost Analysis: OOBT can help you weigh the potential additional income opportunity of a move against the likely cost of making that move, and the time it will take to recover the cost of that move.

The decision to stay or leave is a big decision, and one that should not be taken lightly or hastily. Let OOBT help you gather the facts to make the best decision for your success. Visit our Stay or Leave section to learn more.